Getting Personal- My Life in Blog Format
In 2011 I lost my home. Everything I owned was quickly moved to storage. I thought I would rebound quickly, but I didn't. I quickly fell behind on storage payments. I was transient for a year then just as I found a place to move into the things I had in storage were auctioned. My entire life of collecting was gone and worse, everything from my childhood, my personal documents, photos, creative works and extensive personal journals ripped away. One of the terrible things about losing these things is that due to trauma and a neurological condition, I have gaps in my memory. Writing things down gave me a tether to pull some of my memories back in.
Recently, I realized that I could recreate some of my life history and see what my state of mind was at various times by taking advantage of Facebook's, On This Day App. Of course I can only go back a few years, but it is helping me recreate somewhat of a diary. It will be slow going and I may not keep up, but eventually, I would like to go back through the posts and write context and updates. We'll see what happens.
Bear in mind some of these pages will be pretty sparse for a while. I will be making new posts as I go along.
Links to the various collections below. Just click the thumbnails.