My housemate, "Lamp, " was reading the latest book from Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers. One of the "tests" in it was to brainstorm as many uses for a brick and a blanket as possible.
This is what we came up with over coffee at Mama Buzz! Turns out we're sharper than some of the other tools in the drawer!
Think outside the brick, evidently!
(and look for the links)
Brick: Ready made, blanket party (see number 3.), hold a house together, paperweight, shim, weapon, break a window, stepping stone, step, weight for a tarp, bookshelf component, pestle, bookend, vehicle block, back scratcher, pumice stone, press, college hazing party, workout weight, delivery system, prop, base for planter, planter, percussion instrument,criticism tool, message, splint, to block a mouse hole, to build an oven, sander, heat up a bath, stamp, pet ("ch ch ch chia"), sculpture, doorstop, restraint, body disposal (sending to Davy Jones Locker), tool to smash open a coconut, piano modification, counter balance, grappling hook, skate board or roller skate (add wheels),stilt, yoga block, anchor, target, use to open a secret passageway, "you put your weed in there."
Blanket: ready made, bed cover, throw rug, camping mat, tent, to sleep in, toilet paper, sail, blanket party, restraint, parachute, warm toga, cape, ghost costume, burka, dust cover, towel, bindle, fishing net, sunshade, strainer/filter, mop, curtain, room partition, door flap, projector screen, clothing, table cloth, Petri dish, travois, trampoline, to break a fall, a fan, wet, body bag, weapon, sling, palanquin, insulation, to keep warm, kindling, canvas, paintbrush/applicator, rope, noose ,trap, really big kerchief, tourniquet, compress, drum head, really really dangerous lampshade, canopy, target, table cloth, tree skirt, name for your child, basket for pulley, missile cover, signal, in lieu of velvet wallpaper, scroll, yoga mat, cushion, oven mitt, camouflage, toothbrush in a pinch, cat toy, pet bedding, muffler, gag, blindfold, "you can put your weed in there."