Today is one of those magical, the rain seems to make time stand still days!
Wow! A sneeze just ended in a violent coughing fit! So ready for my lungs to clear and my voice to return! Reading a blog about upcoming Tibetan New Year festivities today was a little bittersweet for me both because I'll be working all weekend and won't be able to focus on many of the wonderful activities that feel like nesting to me, but mostly, it reminded me that due to the chronic respiratory problems I've had in the past 4 months, I've really had to stop burning incense and I love this idea of clouds of cedar and sage smoke cleansing the home!
LiLi never learns. She lets herself out of my room then gets mad when I don't jump to let her back in! Her grumbling has turned to complaining to indignant demanding! It's hilarious. I guess I'll let her in now before she takes her revenge!
5:35 PM: BOOM!
Loudest sound I have ever heard! Tree in front of our place split in two and half crashed down! No obe hurt miraculously. Called PG&E because some lines are being stretched! Praying the other half doesn't come down!
Gotta love it when you can drop by the firehouse and they answer the door in their shorts. It is kind of awesome to have friendly firemen right around the corner, especially since PG&E was not helpful. Guess they can't be bothered until there's actual property loss or loss of life or injury!
We have police, hunky firemen, curious neighbors, flares in the streets! It's a party!
ME: Uh. No Mr Fireman. I am not leaving my cat inside a house at risk of fire or a tree falling through the front room and just hoping she'll be alright. I'm going to be one of those crazy people who has to stay and keep an eye on things!
FIREMAN: Okay, then. Be careful and make a run for it!
FIREMAN: Okay, then. Be careful and make a run for it!
Oh well. Hello PG&E. Uh, gee. I guess those are our powerlines after all.
Luckily, they took O.F.D. seriously, even if they blew me off.
Luckily, they took O.F.D. seriously, even if they blew me off.
It is a miracle that no cars or people got smashed. It pulled power lines so that they are hanging across the street and in our yard but there's no power loss or fire yet. Half the tree took out our fence the other is leaning on the roof of our house and the neighbor's. It's totally uprooted and ready to come down with the next gust!
7:17 PM And. There goes the power!
Anyone want to scoop up a hungry bedraggled mermaid and go get an inexpensive dinner with her? You'd have to meet me down at the end of my block because it's off limits to cars which is also why I can't drive mine.
808 PM Huzzah for tenacious firemen!

Huzzah! Tenacious fireman made sure the city came out to do their job. And a smart fireman too. While coordinating and blocking the street, he wisely brought a book to read! Pg&E pulled the lines off the street and shut off the power and now the city is attacking the tree that is leaning on the house.
I see cookies in this fireman's future!
Huzzah for dinner with the fabulous Victoria Victrola, at Rudy's Can't Fail. City is taking the tree down but we won't have power tonight because PG&E literally cut the power lines going into the house. They seem to be implying that the city must repair them now which obviously won't happen tonight. So I don't know when we'll have power. I may need to go somewhere to charge my phone.