330AM Yes! I'm awake!
2PM Peter has some wonderful stories.about Chtistopher Lee. Last year when we sat and chatted, he shared some of these with me in a conversation last year, including the anecdote about Dachau.
"If it was as logical as that, I wouldn't continue to feel as bad as I do. I know what you're saying, and you're absolutely right in a way. But logic and rationality only go so far. But you know what happens? When your heart adds its two cents everything reasonable goes right-out-the-window."
from my favorite Jonathan Carroll book, "Bones of the Moon"
There was a lot of reaction to the Rachel Dolezol story today.
3PM Yes, if you get tempted to excuse white people for pretending they are black, just stop it right now. And don't even think about using the terms, "trans-ethnic" or "trans-racial." Can you not understand how offensive that is to people of color and transgender people?
6PM I have seen cis-gendered white people say some pretty stupid things today about things they are in no way qualified to make any serious comment about. Some of it has been for the pure "sake of discussion" which in this case seems thin. People who experience bigotry don't have the luxury of simply having a theoretical discussion about it.But in the midst of all the stupid, obtuse (my new favorite word) commentary and argument one person made a brilliant statement:
The only people saying privilege does not exist are the ones who use it.
The only people saying privilege does not exist are the ones who use it.
Stupid White People
Midnight- Well I was hoping some people.would be game for the sheer goofy fun that will be Jurrasic World tomorrow but so far I've mostly heard the sound of disinterested crickets. :-(. And the people I know going to see it are doing the mooshy couple date thing.I kind of remember what being on a date is like. I vaguely remember what being part of a couple (or more) was like. I thought I had friends that liked to go see movies in groups.
I think I'll just go see it during the week if no one speaks up. Definitely, not going to go this weekend alone. It's really a share this kind of ride.
I think I'll just go see it during the week if no one speaks up. Definitely, not going to go this weekend alone. It's really a share this kind of ride.