More icky "Stupid White People" comments I have seen on threads today:
*note: I am going to add some comtext for people who think this is a "daily feature" or that I am racist, or white shaming, etc.
These were all comments on posts in relation to the story about the white woman who was pretending to be black. These commentators all happened to be white and it stood out against the comments made by people of color and those who were LGBT. The comments reek of priveledge and are ignorant at best. Some if them were blatant bigotry. This wasn't even the worst of it.
I have noticed a trend. As a white person, I find it disturbing and embarrassing. Every time a story comes up regarding priveledge, racism, intolerance or bigotry, virtually all of the insensitive, offensive and dismissive comments come from white people.
I am not a wacko Social Justice Warrior. Yes, I believe that statistics and the experience of many show that priveledge is a real thing, that inequity is still the status quo and hard work will not fix that. I believe, my non white friends when they share theur experiences with me. I believe that the sooner those with priveledge start to listen to those who do not have it so lucky, the sooner we will start to have a more functional society.
So yes, these are comments of ignorance made by people who happen to be white. All white people are not stupid but these people certainly don't come off as being that bright or culturally aware.
Instead of being pissed off at me, you should be horrified at what comes out of their mouths.
KEVIN: It's not as if she'd be the first young white person that associated themselves more heavily with blacks or black culture. Sure, if she lied, misrepresented, then there's an issue. But overall -- checking a box on a piece of paper is so drastically different than blowing away someone unarmed or manhandling a 14-year-old girl at a pool party...IMHO...
URSULA: She's transracial.
NICK: Is it anyone else's business what someone else does, whether truth was told or not?
N: If she were a male to female trans, her parents would be shamed for outing her.
CHRISTINA: I think they (gender and race) are both issues of identity. No real difference. But then again, I have the media unpopular view that transgender is a mental disorder. But I think there are lots of mental disorders we now consider regular or normal
N: How is it different from MtoF trans women demanding to be a part of the feminist movement? Is her experience individual as with gender choices or is it social?
KURT: Hopefully everyone slamming this lady for lying about her backstory will start also slamming all trans people in history who attempted to pass, fearing lack of acceptance or possible violence. Then their position will be revealed for what it truly is.
BRYAN: Everywhere I read, I only find that the source of a claim that she's white are her parents. Seriously... that's the source of the claim she's white?
If we're supposed to believe the parents because they simply say so, why don't we believe her claim of her father (a black man), because she says so?
*note with the exception of one of these people these are NOT friends of mine.
More icky "Stupid White People" comments I have seen on threads today:
*note: I am going to add some comtext for people who think this is a "daily feature" or that I am racist, or white shaming, etc.
These were all comments on posts in relation to the story about the white woman who was pretending to be black. These commentators all happened to be white and it stood out against the comments made by people of color and those who were LGBT. The comments reek of priveledge and are ignorant at best. Some if them were blatant bigotry. This wasn't even the worst of it.
I have noticed a trend. As a white person, I find it disturbing and embarrassing. Every time a story comes up regarding priveledge, racism, intolerance or bigotry, virtually all of the insensitive, offensive and dismissive comments come from white people.
I am not a wacko Social Justice Warrior. Yes, I believe that statistics and the experience of many show that priveledge is a real thing, that inequity is still the status quo and hard work will not fix that. I believe, my non white friends when they share theur experiences with me. I believe that the sooner those with priveledge start to listen to those who do not have it so lucky, the sooner we will start to have a more functional society.
So yes, these are comments of ignorance made by people who happen to be white. All white people are not stupid but these people certainly don't come off as being that bright or culturally aware.
Instead of being pissed off at me, you should be horrified at what comes out of their mouths.
KEVIN: It's not as if she'd be the first young white person that associated themselves more heavily with blacks or black culture. Sure, if she lied, misrepresented, then there's an issue. But overall -- checking a box on a piece of paper is so drastically different than blowing away someone unarmed or manhandling a 14-year-old girl at a pool party...IMHO...
URSULA: She's transracial.
NICK: Is it anyone else's business what someone else does, whether truth was told or not?
N: If she were a male to female trans, her parents would be shamed for outing her.
CHRISTINA: I think they (gender and race) are both issues of identity. No real difference. But then again, I have the media unpopular view that transgender is a mental disorder. But I think there are lots of mental disorders we now consider regular or normal
N: How is it different from MtoF trans women demanding to be a part of the feminist movement? Is her experience individual as with gender choices or is it social?
KURT: Hopefully everyone slamming this lady for lying about her backstory will start also slamming all trans people in history who attempted to pass, fearing lack of acceptance or possible violence. Then their position will be revealed for what it truly is.
BRYAN: Everywhere I read, I only find that the source of a claim that she's white are her parents. Seriously... that's the source of the claim she's white?
If we're supposed to believe the parents because they simply say so, why don't we believe her claim of her father (a black man), because she says so?
*note with the exception of one of these people these are NOT friends of mine.
2PM The Germoe is still being mysterious but I have two orange shadows and they are very cute! I don't have to put out any effort with Funky Ear Tony. All I have to do is put a hand within reach and he uses it to pet himself.
312PM As you can see, Funky Ear Tony is making me work very hard.