So here's the progress of the moth "tattoo" from start to finish. It looks pretty nice now and is lasting well. It should wash off about the time I get tired of it.
Day 1
Henna moth & moon done by Kali Ma henna, at Temescal Street Fair. Now it's just a matter of keeping it dry and waiting as long as possible for the crust to flake off.
Day 2
Now most of the crust has flaked off and it's that classic orange-red color. We'll see how much it darkens. Have to try to keep it dry!
Day 3
All the crust is off and I have a nice orange-red stain.
I love the moon. It's very much like the ones I doodle.
Day 4
Stain is turning a little browner now. Depending on how much I scrub my arm when I wash it'll last 6-10 days before the skin sloughs off.