Hey, wait a minute! After you read mine, of course!
What is there to be said about men’s shorts, you ask? Well, evidently in Tuttle’s usual brilliant and witty style, plenty! Did you know that blazers with shorts are a fashion trend right now, though no one seems to be wearing this look (thank Goddess) including the designer promoting it? Do you know that hipsters “coordinate” their flannel shirts with their denim shorts? Did you know that only gay men should be allowed to wear short shorts? I was inclined to agree until I thought about some of the gay men I’ll see if I go to SF Pride this weekend who should NOT be wearing short shorts and some who really should NOT be walking around naked either, but that’s Pride for you; anything goes! Some of it is fabulous and some of it you just have to back slowly away from and work on your denial skills!
But, don’t just read this blog passively. Sure, you’ll get a few giggles, but you might learn something if you click his link promising "a more in depth look into the world of jean shorts” (warning it doesn’t open in a separate window so if you take this excursion remember to click back on your browser and finish reading Tuttle), look at the slide show with the commentary on each style to see if you agree (Sorry, those bandana print and horizontal striped shorts have to goooo but yes, those shoes are cool!) then, read on for a review of the new Dallas.
I’m debating whether or not to send a link to my housemate, “Futuro Padre Episcopal,” who says he doesn’t read blogs. He basically LIVES in Bermuda shorts all year round. Clearly, he cares about comfort more than fashion! This picture is not my housemate, but you get the idea! Something has clearly gone wrong here.
I don’t read James' blogs religiously, but I do read them all! He’s prolific so sometimes I wait until a few compile and go on a reading binge where I do actually LOL quite a bit!
James is one of a few former schoolmates who managed to “escape” my home town (whose point of distinction according to Wikipedia is its prison, "the first prison actively solicited by a community in the state of California. " and actually make something brilliant of themselves! (The Jury’s still out on me!) I’m sure he looks fabulous in short shorts. From photos one can see he’s one of those beautiful people who look good in just about everything or nothing! (I can only presume) Add talented, smart, funny and good hearted to the equation and ladies everywhere will want to run straight for the Kleenex box because he’s both gay and taken!
Huzzah, James! I’ve been reading his blogs for just over a year now and they've given me a laugh and distraction in times that were so dark it seemed impossible to find either. His writing consistently transcends the running themes of fashion, gay men and reality TV. He is always topical and funny! By the way, did I mention his blog is funny?
I really, really hope he writes a book someday! Fiction, non-fiction; any subject will do! I know it will be worth reading!
And while I'm plugging other people's blogs:
- I was delighted to see that my dear friend, The Wishbringer, Molly Blue Dawn; a walking inspiration, has gone beyond her usual weekly listing of other people's events and has started sharing her own thoughts and inspirations! Here is a wonderful essay on giving yourself, " Permission to be New! "
- I'd also encourage you to take a stroll through some of Yeshe Rabbit's recent writings at her Way of the Rabbit Blog, Recent topics include exciting news about where you can find more of her writing, a wonderful piece about Loreon Vigne, the founder of Isis Oasis, who just turned 95! and thoughts on Oshun and the Transit of Venus.
- My favorite go to blog for laughing out loud, very loudly; The Bloggess! I recommend going back through the archives. (Take a week) Click on every link in every blog and you'll be on a tangent of delightful hysteria, (You'll also know why so many of us want Nathan Fillion to pose with a ball of twine, how funny a taxidermied squirrel can be, and why I want my own metal chicken named Beyonce! Start with this recent blog about tweeting quotes from unknowns!
- And if you wish to read something a little more serious, try A Noir Perspective. Jeremy's been writing from some very personal places lately. His thought's on who is really family to you resonates with me and his memories of the LA Riots bring that time right back to me!
- In case you missed the link in the text above, here's The Short's List!
- James' Blog Archive
- That link from James with a history of denim shorts
- And combining a very silly loo at both short shorts and denim shorts, here's an ad for Wrangler Tiny Jeans shorts!