In a short while I will be going to say goodbye to a beloved old soul whom I have had the blessing of knowing for many years. In my profession as a pet care specialist, I have taken care of the glorious little curmudgeon named, Kato, aptly named after Kato from The Pink Panther, for around 15 years!

It is a great honor that Kato's human has asked me to come by and bid Kato farewell this evening as she is coming to the end of her long life. I have shed many tears today already just thinking about it; tears of gratitude and of loss and sorrow for the loss her human will be experiencing!
Kato came here with her "Mom" from Texas and was first known to me as the cute little brown kitty who would scurry under the bed as soon as I came in but would talk to me quite enthusiastically from her hiding place. Often if I was very quiet and didn't acknowledge her, she would come sit next to me on the couch while I read a book.
She and her human lived in a very small apartment a few blocks from mine that was freezing in the winter and horrendously hot in the summer. It was filled with stacks of fabulous books of all kinds which I voraciously read while caring for Kato. It was also one of the ants favorite invasion spots and there was a constant battle to keep them out of Kato's food.
Kato's mom hasn't been a frequent travelor, but her trips were usually long enough that Kato and I got plenty of quality time and really bonded over the years. Kato always danced the dance of being shy, then chummy with me which only made me love her more.
As the years have passed Kato & her mom moved into their own house, fixed it up, made it their own, had a marriage, had a divorce and went through many other changes I don't know about, I'm sure.
My business has never been just a business. Many of my clients have become close friends and some are like family, maybe close, maybe distant, but either way I am privy to many milestones in the lives of humans and their animals. It is an honor and a blessing.
When a client is kind enough to acknowledge that I am important in thier pet's life and vice versa and invites me to say goodbye or even be present at the very end of life, I am greatly honored. It is a blessing and a priveldge to say goodbye.
Animals don't have a problem with death. They don't worry about tomorrow. It is we humans who are hung up on that concept that have trouble accepting life's natural cycle. We have attachments. We hate to let go.
I will shed many tears over this magnificent little character whom I have known for so long. She is a small friend who has made a mighty impact. I ask Bast for a smooth transition for Kato as she leaves this world and moves into her arms and soothing energy for her human as she lets Kato go.
All Hail the Glorious Quirky Kato! Farewell my friend! I hope you have as many happy memories as I do. Thank you for letting me love you! It has been a great privilege all these years. You will be missed and never forgotton.
What is remembered lives!