Yes, of nursery rhyme fame! The origins of the Mother Goose Goddess archetype go back to the ancient Egyptians who believed that “The Great Chatterer” aka “The Nile Goose” laid the golden egg from which the sun god Ra emerged. Look through many ancient goddess pictures and you will see the goose as her symbol or companion! The goose is a solar bird. She announces the dawn. “The tradition of the Christmas goose symbolizes the annual death of the sun at winter solstice."
"The powerful creator goddess is a far cry from the diminished,albeit enduring, character with her whimsical rhymes.”
“There was an old woman who lived under a hill; and if she’s not gone, she lives there still.”
While she may be hidden in a simple nursery rhyme, Goddess can't be watered down. She is ancient and contemporary, powerful and alive!