- This winter is hitting me hard. Since when am I this tired, tired to the bones, by midnight?
just noticed that my jammie pants have a back pocket. Why on earth do pajamas need a back pocket?

Mick: For your knife.
Belinda: Lol because peeps here wear em to the store. I swore I'll never do that!
Matthew: people wear 'em to class - and why not? i wore a plaid robe to work, once, when i was involved in such foolishness. when quizzed upon what i imagined i was wearing, i replied, "an over-sized plaid shirt, for all you know!"
Lorelei Moon Actually, I must say, these are rather stylish considering they are flannel drawstring pajama pants. They are a rather attractive dark green pattern. I don't know what the heck it's supposed to be, but it's nice. So maybe one could venture out in public in them, but not me.
Jim: It's a flask pocket.
Fawn: For when you go to the liquor store!
Lorelei Moon: Fawn, seems to me The Empress Dammit should have her liquor delivered to her in bed!
So here is the pattern on the jammies with pocket. Classy enough to make a foray in public? — at In My Pants
Belinda: Lol because peeps here wear em to the store. I swore I'll never do that!
Matthew: people wear 'em to class - and why not? i wore a plaid robe to work, once, when i was involved in such foolishness. when quizzed upon what i imagined i was wearing, i replied, "an over-sized plaid shirt, for all you know!"
Lorelei Moon Actually, I must say, these are rather stylish considering they are flannel drawstring pajama pants. They are a rather attractive dark green pattern. I don't know what the heck it's supposed to be, but it's nice. So maybe one could venture out in public in them, but not me.
Jim: It's a flask pocket.
Fawn: For when you go to the liquor store!
Lorelei Moon: Fawn, seems to me The Empress Dammit should have her liquor delivered to her in bed!
So here is the pattern on the jammies with pocket. Classy enough to make a foray in public? — at In My Pants
Quote of awesome in the wee hours, from my clever friend Dana Morrigan:"i'm an ulterior designer."
Something is seriously wrong when I finish my book and am tired enough to turn the light off at 130am.

From Neil Gaiman's Tumblr
Honor is playing Beetlejuice on one screen today & The Big Lebowski on the other; subs on. Hendrix, All Along The Watch Tower playing.
Love this place so much. That is all.
Love this place so much. That is all.
Oh, & I'm reading Rilke's The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge or rather, I was....hello.
Well, the evening was just lovely and I found much to appreciate. I'm inclined to say I was pleasantly surprised, but if I'm honest about it, I'm not surprised at all. Pleased, but not surprised.
And, I'll just leave it there!
And, I'll just leave it there!
For a split second tonight, when I suggested someone Facebook friend me, it crossed my mind that maybe I should have scrolled through my feed first to see if there's anything I might be particularly embarrassed about. It's not like I didn't warn him first. And it's too late now. Geez. Where did that come from. Since when do I worry about making a good first impression via ze interwebs?
Heading home finally. This short skirt was fine in today's earlier sunny weather and later inside the warm bar, but doing my last couple stops of the day feeding kitties in the cold night time chill this short skirt's not doing me much good. And it's damned ridiculous with the wool coat and boots
I was introduced to the concept of purposefully aging beer tonight, good beer of course. Intrigued.