My lovely shiny housemate, Venus Rose, went to the Oshun festival in Oakland. She tried to text me, but Mercury retrograde decided I should not be able to receive any texts over the weekend.
It sounded wonderful! I will just make sure I don't miss the fifth annual Oshun Festival because, obviously, that one will be super shiny 'splody Oshuny!
At the festival, they handed out marvelous little packets. What a great idea to make your own
and put it on your Oshun altar or carry it in your purse!
This is what the kit contained and what it said about each item:
- Rubber Band-To remind you to be flexible, but not to the point of snapping.
- Pencil- To remind you to list your blessing everyday.
- Eraser- To remind you that everyone makes mistakes and it's OK.
- Hard Candy - To remind you to savor every moment in your life.
- River Rock- To remind you that making things happen smoothly takes time and patience.
- Candle- To remind you of the light you bring into this world.
- Honey- To remind you of the sweet succulence of life
- Gum- cuz...uhh..sometimes you just need it.
I love it!
The event was sponsered by:Emese: Messengers of the African Diaspora, Daughters ofthe fresh waters and sacred grove: